Information & Briefing Sessions

Information and briefing sessions are a forum where Elected members, staff and other invited individuals and/or organisations may gather from time to time to discuss matters of relevance to Council. These sessions may be used to assist Elected members to become better informed on issues, seek further clarification of information and to discuss matters of relevance, but are not used for decision making. Decisions by Council can only be made at formal Meetings of Council.

From time to time an information and briefing session may discuss matters that are, or are intended to later become, part of an Agenda for a formal Meeting of Council. In these cases the session will be open to the public, unless it is determined to be held in confidence as appropriate. Published information regarding Council's information and briefing sessions is provided below.

The procedural meeting requirements that apply to Meetings of Council do not apply to information and briefing sessions and therefore there are no Minutes or Agendas provided.

Council has adopted a Code of Practice for Meeting Procedures and a Code of Practice for Access to Council and Committee Meetings and Associated Documents which contains further information for our community's reference.