2019-2020 Budget Adoption

Published 27th June 2019
The District Council of Grant 2019-2020 Budget was adopted on 24 June 2019, with a strong focus on financial sustainability and a long term financial strategy.

Over the next five years Council will manage with modest annual rate increases, no new borrowings, strong capital expenditure and renewal of existing assets, all while maintaining existing service levels.

District Council of Grant Mayor Richard Sage said that Council was conscious of the impact of the current financial climate on the general public as well as the need to maintain services to the community.  “Despite rising costs, we have been able to keep rate increases to a minimum while continuing to ensure that valued services and infrastructure are maintained and key infrastructure projects are funded responsibly."

$3.6 million has been allocated for new and upgraded road assets including $375,000 for the reconstruction of a 2km section of Post Office Road, Mount Schank with 50% coming from grant funding.  $342,000 has been allocated for kerbing and channelling of township streets and $340,000 for upgrades to Community Wastewater Management Systems.

A major component of the 2019-20 Budget will be the upgrade of the Mount Gambier Regional Airport, consisting of an extended runway, brand new heavy aircraft apron, upgraded airfield lighting and a redeveloped terminal.  $4.4M of the $9.4M project will be funded in the 2019-20 year, with the project due for completion in December 2020.

Other major initiatives proposed include completion of the revitalisation of the Port MacDonnell foreshore, subject to receiving grant funding from the State Government.  Stage two of the “Waterfront” project includes a new playground, beautification of the Standish Street entrance and landscaping.  Additionally, undergrounding of powerlines on Sea Parade in Port MacDonnell will greatly improve the streetscape.  Council are contributing $231K (one third) to this project, with the State Government providing the balance of the funding. 

The 2019-20 Budget also includes a $175,000 contribution to the City of Mount Gambier’s Regional Hub.  Council will contribute $350,000 over the next two financial years.

Council’s 2018-19 budget will also provide continued financial support for those in most need with a 60% rebate on rubbish rates for eligible concession card holders. The rebate is in addition to the State Government rate concession.

The Council’s net financial liabilities, being the most comprehensive measure of indebtedness, is expected to be approximately $2.5M at 30 June 2020 – this is equivalent to a $9,800 mortgage on a $500,000 house.

Council continues to assess the future direction, operating practices and opportunities to improve financial performance without compromising services or increasing rates beyond what the community will accept.  

Full budget papers can be found on Council's Financial Information page