Moving Quickly to Upgrade Saleyards Security

Published 6th February 2019
At the next Ordinary Council Meeting, the Elected Members of the District Council of Grant will review and consider potential upgrades to the current security system at the Mount Gambier and District Saleyards.

A recent meeting between David Creek (Chair, Combined Agents Group), Mayor Richard Sage, Councillor Barry Kuhl, David Singe (CEO, District Council of Grant), and Peter Mitchell (Business Manager Saleyards) has resulted in an agreement that Council will review the current security system at the Saleyards and investigate and consider potential upgrades to bring the technology up to current standards. A report will be tabled at the next Council meeting.

A recent incident at the Saleyards resulted in 55 steers being reported as missing; which were quickly located and the situation resolved.

Mayor Sage praised the great work of all involved to retrace the stock. “The missing stock were recovered within hours of them being reported as missing and this is due to the prompt response by the staff, agents and livestock transport operators. Police are continuing to investigate the matter”.

Mayor Sage also acknowledged that technology has evolved since the security system was installed over 15 years ago, and that a security review is timely. “The Saleyards is a vital economic asset to the region, and facilitates an enormous amount of livestock throughput annually. Council have taken this matter very seriously and are committed to working with stakeholders at the Saleyards to ensure the facility is delivering a strong service and infrastructure that meets the needs of all patrons”.

David Creek stated that he felt reassured that Council had responded so quickly to the agents concerns. “The way forward is a clear partnership between Council and the Agents, both working towards a common goal. I am buoyed by the meeting at Council today and both parties coming together quickly to resolve this issue”.

The next District Council of Grant Ordinary Council Meeting is Monday 18 February commencing at 5.30pm and members of the public are welcome.

Mayor Sage & David Creek - 060219

 District Council of Grant Mayor Richard Sage and David Creek, Chair, Combined Agents Group